Friday, January 21, 2011

[shortastories] Reach

[shortstories] Reach
author : Kinoshita Michi [me]
genre : Romance
rating : PG-13
type : Drabbles
warning : teribble english and hurried plot, and.. maybe typo? and anything wrong  -_-
A/N: nandarou? just feel like I want to write this~ I'm free for posting anything in my own blog, deshou? XD

don't smile at me like that. I don't have much enough to be beside you. you act like you don't know my feelings. you know, you always make me crazy about you, on the class, instead of watching the super boring teacher leads there, I'm just staring at you. you don't realize it? okay.

I'm doing this kind of things everyday, honestly, I'm enjoying my school days, with much laughter and fun. but as always, you're existence bother me a lot. this is not fair. my bright days aren't so pure fun, you make my chest burning like hell. I'm yearning of you. you always smiled on me, talk to me with that cheerful voice, lend me textbooks, but that's not enough. my wrong habit of staring you, although I'm doing it in a thousand years, that's not enough. what should I do with all of this pains? everyday this just increase. I want to take your hands so badly and run away. I want to monopolize you so badly.

i know this just useless.

we aren't friends anymore right? the words of 'friends' is just living with both have no feelings towards each other. this just not fair.. being unrequited like this..

I'm such a coward.

I can't express it with words, I can't express it with e-mails..
this feelings is so big until I can't breathe..
I'm dying with feelings called love.. damn.. what the hell is this?

I'm just loving the way you smiled at me, the way you talking with me, I'm loving you with all you used to be.
'I wanna talk to you' with tighted chest I'm trying to gather my courage to confess this feelings. you just nod and again smiling. you're killing me inside. your kindness towards me, your smile gave to me, what should I do? do you feel the same feelings like me? this is frustating. I wanna read your mind so badly.

but, in the end, this just not fair.

you laughed with someone else on the way home. that smile, that voice.. this intense of jealously is just exaggerrating me. I want to reach you, snatch you away without thinking twice. but I'm a man.. those kind of things seems so childish.

My mind just don't want to stop thinking about you. I think I should give in, and put all of my feelings back to my bag, and stored this love in my broken chest. tomorrow is the last..

after school, I called you, going to the backyard. my chest is burning, I want to run away. you're facing me with those eyes and I can't move. this is my last chance. I just want to burst out my feelings with this embarassing flushed face. I'm not that brave to meet your eyes. but I hear a sob.

I open up my eyes slowly, and I see you with a smile that I can't express it with words. you smiled at me in tears and grab both of my hands. I just can't think so clearly now.. with my total confused and suprised face, I whisper beside your ear..

' am I reaching you? '

and you just smile.



  1. ngikngikngik...

    aku suka lhooo!!!
    itu 'you' disitu man apa woman?

  2. Wa kau membacanya XD
    boleh duaduanya ko.. /kicked
