Friday, July 29, 2011
capek tau gak. capek. gak tau apa-apa ga usah ngomong seakan tau aku deh. gini-gini juga aku ngelakuin tau gak. emangnya gak pernah liat sedikitpun sifat baikku? sama sekali? kenapa yang selalu diungkit dan dibandingkan sama orang lain cuma hal-hal jelek itu aja. segitu rendahnya? segitu out of expectations nya aku dimatanya? aku ampe ngerasa pengin cepet-cepet kuliah dan cepet-cepet pergi dari sini. capek. mending sekolah aja ga usah libur, biar disini ga lama-lama. pagi ampe sore ga perlu dihabisin di sini. mending sekolah deh, gimanapun pelajarannya sesusah apa. kesel jadi seseorang yang selalu kena, selalu diomongin ini itu. serba salah ga pernah bener. segitu aku makhluk yang selalu bernilai nol hah? selalu?! CAPEK DENGERINNYA TAU GA! HA! BERISIK AJA BISANYA!
Fict : Regret.
[Title] Regret -part1-
[Author] kimichichan
[Fandom] Hey! Say! JUMP.
[Rating] G (Friendship, Comfort?)
[Summary] many thing appeared after a calm. for example : storm.
[Notes] my first two-parted One-shot! and I'm still scared to publish it properly because the plot is lame and so many grammar errors~ mind to read it for me? *puppyeyes* ah, bytheway, this is from Yuto-POV.
[Author] kimichichan
[Fandom] Hey! Say! JUMP.
[Rating] G (Friendship, Comfort?)
[Summary] many thing appeared after a calm. for example : storm.
[Notes] my first two-parted One-shot! and I'm still scared to publish it properly because the plot is lame and so many grammar errors~ mind to read it for me? *puppyeyes* ah, bytheway, this is from Yuto-POV.
It's hanging on
first time,
Hey Say JUMP,
untuk seseorang.
It's hanging on
permintaan maaf
Thursday, July 28, 2011
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ok. YANG GW LIAT CUMA NINONYA. jujur deh. |
okey, sebelumnya WARNING.
WARNING : THIS POSTING'S CONTENT IS (ALMOST) ALL NINO-BIASED COMMENTS. just don't throw me to the river, please? *pleading eyes*
HAHAHA. *sigh*
jadi, finally, gw nonton GANTZ setelah (sedikit) memaksa arar untuk donlotin GANTZ yang gedenya 1,5gb (biggest thanks to arar♥ muaaah :)) ) dan dengan gak sabar ngerampok ke rumahnya. dan setelah nonton. GW MELTING. *meleleh beneran*
GILA BUSET DAH SI NINO ASDFGHJKL##$%@$#$#!#$%!! *digebuk*
okeh, sebelum gw jadi gila walau kayaknya udah gila gw jelasin kalo disini nino itu sangat sangat sangat GANTENG. ya ampun, gw nonton ini dengan perasaan antara flail karna si nino KAKKOInya minta ampun, atau merinding karena filemnya yang notabene mandan sadistic juga.
anyway, ni filem keren. ni filem ditayangin di 300 theater di seluruh dunia, dan dvd dan blue-ray nya juga dijualin di luar negeri juga. ealah, NINO, makin terkenal aje lu~
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disini NINO berperan sebagai Kurono Kei, mahasiswa biasa yang tiba-tiba suatu hari di stasiun dia ketemu temen masa kecilnya, Kato Masaru (MatsuKen) yang mau nyelamatin orang yang jatuh ke rel kereta. pertamanya dia ga mau nyelamatin, tapi pas detik-detik ujian nasional terakhir pas kereta mau dateng, dia ikut turun ke rel dan BATS! harusnya si mereka udah mati ketabrak kereta. tapi, kalo mereka mati ceritanya selese dong? wks.
tiba-tiba mereka masuk ke sebuah ruangan, kayak apartemen gitu, terus mereka ketemu sama beberapa orang yang ternyata mereka juga berpengalaman sama kayak mereka, hampir mau mati. nah loh~ terus di ruangan itu ada sebuah bola besar yang aneh, dan tiba-tiba bola besar itu terbuka dan di bola itu ada tulisan yang nyuruh mereka ngelawan alien di bumi. eeh? terus gimana dong?
pokoknya keren dah ni filem, gw ampe merinding liatnya. filem action woy, sadist pula.
dan NINOOOO~ lu gimana cara ekting gitu sih?! HA. jangan bikin aku makin speechless kalo liat kamu dah. *heboh*
THOUSAND THUMBS UP buat tim produksinya tuh. ama ninonya berkali lipat thumbsup. pake jempol orang sesekolah ya boleh. *sinting* HHA, GW CINTA TIM PRODUKSINYA UNTUK MEMILIH NINO, ufufuu~
terus tadi aku minjem komiknya. katanya ori nya hampir mustahil di terbitkan di indo karna terlalu sadist. iya sih emang.. komiknya sadis. tapi keren bacanya. haha.
as expected for my ichiban~ you deserve for it~
sori kalo lebay bukan main. kalo udah liat dia emang jadi kayak gini. v *kabur*
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dear My Friend.
" tomo ni sugoshita hibi ga natsukashii,
itsushika, anata to futari de,
au kikai ookunatteta?
ano toki no you na kiraku na kimochi,
dokoka ni wasurete shimattayone. "
" I miss the day when I'm used to be with you guys,
before I knew it, I had more and more chances to see you.
but at some point, I've had forgotten.
that comfortable feeling I had back then."
--tadi aku lagi nyari-nyari file soal-soal N4ku. pas lagi nyari-nyari nih (yang ternyata kagak ada) malah aku nemu sebuah folder menarik. 'chatting history'. apa nih? aku mikir, udah laaama banget kayaknya tu folder nggeletak. ternyata ini sisa-sisa kenangan lama yang ternyata masih tersimpan diantara folder-folder tugas saya♥
ketauan lah itu folder isinya apa dari namanya. "CHATTING HISTORY". jadi dulu pas SMP, aku punya kebiasaan jelek nge-save-in history-history chat yang barusan dilakuin. FYI, di folder ntu ada buaaaanyak buanget. dari yang gak penting sampe (yang dulunya) aku anggap penting. semua ada disana. awww, natsukashii naa♥
alhaasill, lagi. aku buka buka deh. beneran gila dah~ aku jadi melankolis hoeks gimana gitu dah. hal pertama yang aku sadarin adalah,
jdar, duer, bumi gonjang-ganjing. hwakakak, beneran deh, kalo baca-baca postingan blog yang dulu, catetan-catetan yang dulu, file-file yang dulu, pasti ngerasa dah kalo 'dulu-gue-njis-alay-bukan-main-permirsa.'
mungkin pas besok aku kuliah baca ni posting juga bakal mikir, 'gue dulu norak banget sih?'. Duh.
pas baca tuh, dulu aku itu sok-sok-an bisa bahasa jepang padahal masih cetek banget bahasa jepangnya. untung sekarang udah tinggian dikit walaupun masih cetek juga. *loh*
anyway, off to topic.
I miss that time. so much. so much until it hurts. *sambil narikin kerah baju*
entah kenapa aku kangen masa-masa ke-alay-an itu. (ngomong seakan sekarang udah lulus dari kata alay.) pas seru-seruan ngestalker orang yang ngerjain aku ama si sw_dkid dan kita berhasil ngerjain balik tu orang dengan cara pake suara si norak ucchan yang sok di cowok-cowok-in padahal notabene suara kita masih kecemprengannya anak SMP dan bodonya tu anak yang dikerjain balik panik dan percaya aja. hwakakakak. keren deh kita-kita~ ufufufufu♥
di folder itu kesimpen catetan chatting pas aku ama ike diskusi sebenernya ni orang siapa. ngakak banget, aslian dah ngakaaaak~. kita heboh berdua padahal si culprit abal-abalan banget. si sw_dkid yang biasanya cuma jawab chat dengan 'hah' dan 'hmm' (dulu) tiba-tiba excited sendiri dengan pembahasan 'si orang yang suka misscall-misscall' itu.
nee, do you remembeeer? :)
ada lagi banyak notes-notes kecil yang terlupakan, kejadian-kejadian yang 'Ah~ baru inget sekarang.' ada di notes-notes itu. emang bener ya, kenangan lama tu bikin excited~. tapi kadang jadi inget juga hal-hal pahit yang sekarang kadang juga masih teringat. seneng aja rasanya ada sesuatu yang bangkit lagi setelah lama terkubur (zombie? Hmm.)
dan tiba-tiba aku pengin buka internet, pengin nulis di blog ini. aku ngerasa, 'Aa! I have something to tell you.' and finally, my fingers danced by itself on this keyboard.
serobek surat kecil untuk teman kecilku♥
itsushika, anata to futari de,
au kikai ookunatteta?
ano toki no you na kiraku na kimochi,
dokoka ni wasurete shimattayone. "
" I miss the day when I'm used to be with you guys,
before I knew it, I had more and more chances to see you.
but at some point, I've had forgotten.
that comfortable feeling I had back then."
--tadi aku lagi nyari-nyari file soal-soal N4ku. pas lagi nyari-nyari nih (yang ternyata kagak ada) malah aku nemu sebuah folder menarik. 'chatting history'. apa nih? aku mikir, udah laaama banget kayaknya tu folder nggeletak. ternyata ini sisa-sisa kenangan lama yang ternyata masih tersimpan diantara folder-folder tugas saya♥
ketauan lah itu folder isinya apa dari namanya. "CHATTING HISTORY". jadi dulu pas SMP, aku punya kebiasaan jelek nge-save-in history-history chat yang barusan dilakuin. FYI, di folder ntu ada buaaaanyak buanget. dari yang gak penting sampe (yang dulunya) aku anggap penting. semua ada disana. awww, natsukashii naa♥
alhaasill, lagi. aku buka buka deh. beneran gila dah~ aku jadi melankolis hoeks gimana gitu dah. hal pertama yang aku sadarin adalah,
jdar, duer, bumi gonjang-ganjing. hwakakak, beneran deh, kalo baca-baca postingan blog yang dulu, catetan-catetan yang dulu, file-file yang dulu, pasti ngerasa dah kalo 'dulu-gue-njis-alay-bukan-main-permirsa.'
mungkin pas besok aku kuliah baca ni posting juga bakal mikir, 'gue dulu norak banget sih?'. Duh.
pas baca tuh, dulu aku itu sok-sok-an bisa bahasa jepang padahal masih cetek banget bahasa jepangnya. untung sekarang udah tinggian dikit walaupun masih cetek juga. *loh*
anyway, off to topic.
I miss that time. so much. so much until it hurts. *sambil narikin kerah baju*
entah kenapa aku kangen masa-masa ke-alay-an itu. (ngomong seakan sekarang udah lulus dari kata alay.) pas seru-seruan ngestalker orang yang ngerjain aku ama si sw_dkid dan kita berhasil ngerjain balik tu orang dengan cara pake suara si norak ucchan yang sok di cowok-cowok-in padahal notabene suara kita masih kecemprengannya anak SMP dan bodonya tu anak yang dikerjain balik panik dan percaya aja. hwakakakak. keren deh kita-kita~ ufufufufu♥
di folder itu kesimpen catetan chatting pas aku ama ike diskusi sebenernya ni orang siapa. ngakak banget, aslian dah ngakaaaak~. kita heboh berdua padahal si culprit abal-abalan banget. si sw_dkid yang biasanya cuma jawab chat dengan 'hah' dan 'hmm' (dulu) tiba-tiba excited sendiri dengan pembahasan 'si orang yang suka misscall-misscall' itu.
nee, do you remembeeer? :)
ada lagi banyak notes-notes kecil yang terlupakan, kejadian-kejadian yang 'Ah~ baru inget sekarang.' ada di notes-notes itu. emang bener ya, kenangan lama tu bikin excited~. tapi kadang jadi inget juga hal-hal pahit yang sekarang kadang juga masih teringat. seneng aja rasanya ada sesuatu yang bangkit lagi setelah lama terkubur (zombie? Hmm.)
dan tiba-tiba aku pengin buka internet, pengin nulis di blog ini. aku ngerasa, 'Aa! I have something to tell you.' and finally, my fingers danced by itself on this keyboard.
serobek surat kecil untuk teman kecilku♥
It's hanging on
curhat gaje,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sakurap tuh bukan nama makanan, bukan nama barang, apalagi tempat. Sakurap tuh nama sebutan fans untuk lirik rap yang dibuat oleh si dorky newscaster, Sakurai Sho of ARASHI. semenjak lagu Kotoba Yori no Taisetsu na Mono, dia mule nulis sendiri lirik rapnya yang sering banget tuh nongol di lagu Arashi.
entah kenapa gw (selain lirik buatan nino) lumayan ngefens ama lirik rap yang dia buat. gak kayak Nino yang liriknya berkesan dramatis, dalem, dan sedikit bernuansa melankolis (weiss) lirik yang dibikin Sho lebih berkesan realis, dengan posisinya yang kerja jadi newscaster, kosakata dia kaya, dan artinya keren abis♥
ini dia beberapa rap kesukaan saya :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
my tenth year.
Gimana si kelas sepuluhmu?
It's hanging on
curhat gaje,
stress mode. tentang skul
secret base ~kimi ga kureta mono~/Ano Hi Mita Hana wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai ED
broken base ~kimi ga kureta mono~ / broken base ~the thing you've given to me~
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
deaiwa futtoshita shunkan kaerimichino kousatende
our encounter was lasted so fast, on the intersection in my way to home
koewo kaketekuretane "isshoni kaerou"
you called me and said, 'let's go home together'
bokuwa terekusasouni kabande kao kakushinagara
I'm acting all embarrassed, hid my face with my bag
hontowa tottemo tottemo ureshikattayo
but honestly, the truth is I'm so happy that time
aa, hanabiga yozora kireini saite chotto setsunaku
aa, the fireworks decorating on the night sky, beautifully but a little painful to me
aa, kazega jikanto tomoni nagareru
aa, the wind and the time both are flowing on
ureshikute tanoshikute boukenmo iroiroshitane
we've felt happiness, joyful, and did many adventure
futarino himitsuno kichino naka
in our secret base
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
aa, natsuyasumimo ato sukoshide owacchaukara
aa, the summer break soon will be end
aa, taiyouto tsuki nakayokushite
aa, the sun and the moon seems to be friendly with each other
kanashikutte sabishikutte kenkamo iroiro shitane
we've went through many sadness, loneliness, and did many fights
futarino himitsuno kichino naka
in our secret base
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
totsuzenno tenkoude doushiyomonaku
you were suddenly transfered to the other school, we've both didn't know what we should do
tegami kakuyo denwamo suruyo wasurenaidene bokuno koto wo
I'll write letter to you, I'll also call you, please don't forget about me
itsumademo futarino kichino naka
forever in our base
kimito natsuno owari zutto hanashite
in that end of summer, I always talked with you
yuuhiwo mitekara hoshiwo nagame
while seeing twilight and gazing the stars
kimino hohowo nagareta namidawa zutto wasurenai
I'll never forget that tears that flowing out through your cheeks
kimiga saigo made ookiku tewo futte kuretakoto
I surely won't forget that your hands
kitto wasurenai
in that very end widely waved at me
dakara koushite yumeno nakade zutto eienni...
because of it, just like this in my dream, forever won't change
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
credit translation and romaji : ME. @tsutaerukotoba
YES. saya ngeromanized dan ngetranslate lagu lagi. haha.
cari deh di google ini lagu bahkan romajinya aja belom ada. zz.
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
deaiwa futtoshita shunkan kaerimichino kousatende
our encounter was lasted so fast, on the intersection in my way to home
koewo kaketekuretane "isshoni kaerou"
you called me and said, 'let's go home together'
bokuwa terekusasouni kabande kao kakushinagara
I'm acting all embarrassed, hid my face with my bag
hontowa tottemo tottemo ureshikattayo
but honestly, the truth is I'm so happy that time
aa, hanabiga yozora kireini saite chotto setsunaku
aa, the fireworks decorating on the night sky, beautifully but a little painful to me
aa, kazega jikanto tomoni nagareru
aa, the wind and the time both are flowing on
ureshikute tanoshikute boukenmo iroiroshitane
we've felt happiness, joyful, and did many adventure
futarino himitsuno kichino naka
in our secret base
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
aa, natsuyasumimo ato sukoshide owacchaukara
aa, the summer break soon will be end
aa, taiyouto tsuki nakayokushite
aa, the sun and the moon seems to be friendly with each other
kanashikutte sabishikutte kenkamo iroiro shitane
we've went through many sadness, loneliness, and did many fights
futarino himitsuno kichino naka
in our secret base
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
totsuzenno tenkoude doushiyomonaku
you were suddenly transfered to the other school, we've both didn't know what we should do
tegami kakuyo denwamo suruyo wasurenaidene bokuno koto wo
I'll write letter to you, I'll also call you, please don't forget about me
itsumademo futarino kichino naka
forever in our base
kimito natsuno owari zutto hanashite
in that end of summer, I always talked with you
yuuhiwo mitekara hoshiwo nagame
while seeing twilight and gazing the stars
kimino hohowo nagareta namidawa zutto wasurenai
I'll never forget that tears that flowing out through your cheeks
kimiga saigo made ookiku tewo futte kuretakoto
I surely won't forget that your hands
kitto wasurenai
in that very end widely waved at me
dakara koushite yumeno nakade zutto eienni...
because of it, just like this in my dream, forever won't change
kimito natsuno owari shouraino yume
in the end of that summer with you, I won't forget what my aim of the future
ookina kibouwo wasurenai
and my big hope that day
juunengono hachigatsu
even it've been 10 years, on that August
mata deaerunowa shinjite..
I believe we will meet again
kimiga saigomade kokorokara 'arigatou' sakendeteitakoto shitteitayo
you, that until the very last time shouted with all of your heart 'Thank you' to me
namidawo koraete egaode sayonara setsunaine
with smile and dried tears, goodbye is so painful, isn't it?
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
saikouno omoidewo...
that's my best memories I've ever had...
credit translation and romaji : ME. @tsutaerukotoba
YES. saya ngeromanized dan ngetranslate lagu lagi. haha.
cari deh di google ini lagu bahkan romajinya aja belom ada. zz.
It's hanging on
anime soundtrack,
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